In an horoscope when the Chevvai
(Mars) is positioned in either 2nd 4th 7th 8th and 12th
house from Lagnam or Chandra Rasi it is called as Chevvai Dhosham (Mangal
Dhosham) . Just because of these position where the Chevvai (Mars) occupied one
should not come to a conclusion that the native has got such dhosham. There are
exemption to nullify the said dhosha.
The said Chevvai dhosham or Mangal
dhosham will be nullified on five poits.
Ø The Chevvai (Mars) maha dasa is over at the time of matching the
Ø When the Chevvai (Mars) is at either 7th or 8th
house and the same place was seen by Guru (But the Chevvai [Mars] should not
get associated with Sukran [Venus]
Ø The 7th house happen to be the house of Mesham [Aries],
Viruchikam [Scorpio] or Makaram [Capricorn] where the Chevvai (Mars) is
Ø If the owner of the 7th house lord is placed either in the 5th
house or 9th house from the lagnam or Chandra Rasi
Ø If the native is born in Rishaba (Taurus), Midhunam (Gemini), Kanni
(Virgo), Thulam (Libra), or Makaram
(Carpricorn) lagnam and the Chevvai [Mars] has got the following stars (i.e. Mirugacirisham
(Mrigashirsha), Chittirai (Chitra), Avittam (Shravishtha or Dhanishta) ,Punapusam
(Punarvasu), Visakam (Vishaka). Poorattathi (Purva Bhadrapada), Karthikai
(Krittika), Uthiram(Uthira phalguni), Uthiram (Uttra Ashadha), Thirvathirai
(Ardra), Swathi (Swathi) Sadhayam (Sadhabisha), Poosam (Pushya), Anusham
(Anuradha), Uthirattathi (Uttara Bhadrapada) while standing in any of the 5
houses namely 2nd 4th
7th 8th and 12th house there is no
Chevai dhosham.
Ø Apart from the Chevvai (Mars) the said dhosham will also occurs when the malefic
planets like Raghu, Kethu, Sani (Saturn) and Suriyan (Sun) are placed in the 2nd
4th 7th 8th
and 12th house.
Ø There are some exemption for these dhoshams for matching the horoscopes. For further details please contact SIVASAKTHI JOTHIDALAYAM through mail (mail id: or visit
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